Sorry for the delay guys……
My Interview was on 7th julyChairman of the committee asked
me some questions related to my academics and family background
Asked to tell 4 fav
1)Electric Machines
2)Power Systems
4)Control Systems
Q)Asked to draw a
integration waveform for a D.CTRAP: Integration can be possible for
closed areas. Then he converted to squarewaveform
Q)Why starting current of
Induction Machine is High?
Q)Why starter is required
for I.M and name the types of starting Methods?
Q) Asked some questions
about auto transformer starter and DOL starter?
Q)Asked to draw
Torque-Speed Characteristics and plot graphs
1) What happen to torque
if voltage is halved?
2)What will be load torque
to start the motor comfortably? Asked to show on graph?
3) Some basic questions in
Torque – speed characteristics?
Q) Gave a circuit An Ideal
Current Source series to resister and capacitor asked to findvoltage
Q) Asked what is Thyristor
diff between Transister and thyrister what is diode and whatis power amplifier draw characteristics of transistor
…transistor swich asked to show on graph
Q) Characterisics of
thyrister and turn off time value Mosfets…and some simplequestions?
Q)Asked to draw a PID
controller and asked to find the transfer function and find itsstability?
Q) Asked to draw single
line dia of a power system draw a long transmission lineCharging
currents… if the sub conducters are used what will happen R,L,C
Q)why voltage cannot be
stepped up to very high values 1000MW and above
Q)Why generating volatage
is 13kv?
Q)And some basic questions
related to fundamentals
My interview went for
more than an hour. I was just sent ( did not asked me to wait) and later they told I got medical after 5 minutes.
TIPS: Prepare all the charact
and curves thoroughly concentrate on only 4 sub but deepknowledge is required…. Be strong in fundamentals
they test your fundamentals. ReadStandard
textbooks .. ( I have seen many reading B.L.Teraja at interview) iam not findingfault
with the book but if you want to learn good concepts read standard textbooks…
andimportant thing is They don’t Bother what
you know you should explain it correctly.Good
communication is very much required. I think this will help to the others who
areaiming at DAE.Thankyou
someone please share the intervw experience for electronics branch !! my intervw is on 5 junr 2014 , electronics branch
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sumone please share intervw experience for instrumentation branch!! interview is on 24th may 2014...